How To Set Valve Motor with Perfect

How To Set Valve Motor with Perfect-The motors are okay have a great power with a high acceleration capabilities. Such conditions can only be realized if the process of burning fuel with air in the combustion chamber is also a perfect place.
Complete combustion process occurs when the condition of the injector or carburetor primed. "So even with the valve in the engine. When the valve is not correct,then the motor power will also be sluggish," said Hendri,Motor Mechanics in Talaga,Tebet,South Jakarta, Wednesday,July 6, 2011.

Because the device has an important function to set the size of the intake of fuel into the combustion chamber so that the size of the slit valve engine will determine the fuel supply.Such formulas have been understood by the true owner of the motor. Only, how do I make the right valve adjustment,not everyone understood it.

Actually,every motorcycle owner must know. Although it does not have to do it yourself, to know how it will be easy to bring the discussion when his beloved motorcycle to the workshop."Mechanics who do well will do it properly," advises Hendri.So what kind of setup that way? What to watch? Here is an explanation Hendri.

1.Open the lid or release valve piston
The first step is to open a second cap in the valve (inflow) and ex (outflow). If your motor is a motor variant of duck, generally using a lock ring 17 and ring sport variant 24.

Then,position the valve at the free position, or position the piston at Top Dead Point (TMA).The trick, open the magnetic closure on the left side of the engine block with a screwdriver minus and at the same time turn the crankshaft in the opposite direction with a clockwise motion.

Note the small hole in a magnetic block and position marks on the straight line T in such a small hole. Make sure both valves have been in a free position.

2.Perform gap size adjustment valve
When you have completed the first step you do, the next step is to adjust the valve gap. The trick,loosen the bolt the valve setting by using the appropriate key ring.
When it is loose,and set the size of the slit valve. The size of the gap should follow the manufacturer's standards that exist for this so that you can not do as they pleased.

In general, the mechanics using the benchmark as follows: for the motorcycle, generally the size of the gap flow in 0.05 millimeter (mm). Varian automatic scooter inflow slit 0.15 mm and 0.26 mm gap outflow.

As for the variants of motor sport,is generally the mechanics use slit size of 0.10 mm. When the settings have been made, return the position of the valve. "The size that determines the size of the bursts is the fuel," said Hendri.
However,earlier, fuller position the gauge to size the valve gap at the end of the valve stem. Once the position is deemed appropriate, then tighten the bolt until it feels tight suits valve or drag and not rocking. Setup was completed.

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