You would not think that's a modified motorcycle grandfather 55 years. His name Suryana and flow rombakan with satisfactory results modif. That is, people follow the correct development of the Jakarta and modification trends.
That way, the base motor is a victim of obsession Suryana duck type of Suzuki Satria F-150. To change the "s*
x" from the duck into the "male model", he submitted a duck to Tauco Custom (TC) in the Sudirman, South Jakarta, which is known to make such changes. Topo Goedhel Atmodjo, skipper TC, disassemble the motor to follow his grandfather's posture. Therefore, the motor is made is not too high so monoshock standard still in use, including the original swing arm-custom only slightly.
x" from the duck into the "male model", he submitted a duck to Tauco Custom (TC) in the Sudirman, South Jakarta, which is known to make such changes. Topo Goedhel Atmodjo, skipper TC, disassemble the motor to follow his grandfather's posture. Therefore, the motor is made is not too high so monoshock standard still in use, including the original swing arm-custom only slightly.
Meanwhile, inverted front suspension under a model that he lived to be adjusted. Gas tank is also restricted to contain 6 liters. Views motor that looks solid because there is such deltabox of the pipe 1 / 2 inches. According to the motorcycle, Suryana comfortable handling. Therefore, he was sure and confident gush Satria F-150 as a drive every day to work in the field of writing. This result is because he can keep the wheel base, handle model selection, and the rider with the seat position. Therefore, appropriate if Suryana satisfied.
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