2 Motor Skutik Indonesia Taiwan Sign

Jakarta-Scooter type motorcycle market that thrives in Indonesia have piqued PT Sangyang Industry Indonesia (SII) to enter the competition to capitalize newest SYM scooter duo Attila and Shark. Taiwan's vehicle is equipped with a 125cc engine and priced at Rp15, 7 million and Rp16, 9 million on the road in Jakarta.
SYM Shark featuring modern design with a length of 2090 mm,width 730 mm and height 1160 mm. The shape is elegantly decorated with blue LED lights in any part of the front and rear wings. Meanwhile, SYM Attila retro-modern with the long dimension of 1.8 meters, a width of 668 mm and height of 1.1 meters. Some interesting features such as remote control, LED lights on the front, and baggage under the seat so its own advantages.
For marketing in Greater Jakarta, Sangyang with PT Sentrakarya Ekamegah (Sun Motor), which has set up four dealerships in Jakarta to shore up sales in the area: Pondok Gede, Cileduk, Cimone and Matraman. In addition there is one additional location is still under preparation in Samanhudi (Central Jakarta).

David Wu, President Director of SII said the scooter was imported to decompose (completely knocked down / CKD) from Taiwan and assembled locally in factories Cibitung, West Java. For the initial stage, companies are targeting sales of 1,000 units minima until the end of the year.

Tjandrakusuma Nugroho, Director of Sun Motor said, deliberately chose SSI because of Attila and Shark scooter market since Indonesia is very large. In addition, this product is targeting the middle segment that is expected to compete with Japanese brands which dominate the market.

"The first stage we try to raise awareness of the brand first to the citizens of Jakarta in particular and Indonesia in general. After all the walking, maybe add a new line-up of new models," said Nugroho in Matraman, Central Jakarta, today (10 / / 6 / 2011).
In Taiwan, Sangyang is one of the best-selling brand of motorcycle, and even entered the top three rankings. David Wu said the company has been established since 1954 in Taiwan and expand its business to Vietnam. From 1960-2000 the company in collaboration with Honda Motor Company assembles motorcycles for the domestic market of Taiwan. If you are interested in the Shark and Attila could come to the booth SYM at Pekan Raya Jakarta (PRJ) 2011.

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