Motorcycles Honda Blade increasingly Sporty

Motorcycles Honda Blade increasingly SportyThere is an interesting new Honda Blade when attend a test ride in the page pool Senayan, South Jakarta, Thursday (28 / 7) then held noon to evening, after the morning was launched by PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) in Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), not far from the location of the test. Characteristic of Blade on the design of the main lights are coupled with sein and located below,on this new duck them apart.

The position of the main lights went up (at handlebars), lamp seinnya longer being accented futuristic and is equipped inner lens so that light more clearly and easily visible. When viewed from the front, the impression was so strong sports combined acute angle and curve (over and over) are sharp on the shield, duck impressive 110 cc engine has a ferocious performance.
Another part that supports the impression of sport, the most obvious seems to exhaust design supersport model. Mufflernya plus there are also new chrome-plated heat shield.

Fun, when lauched the resulting sound is more crisp than the previous model. Likewise, when the gas is closed, the roar louder. This sounds like a typical well-liked young man who loved racing.

Created speeding too, Blade is not worried about the rider. Even dare to make a point closer braking before cornering because the system is equipped rear disc brakes. Of more grip than canister models. Medium front brake discs too, thereby strengthening the view sports.

When cornering, due to be afraid of the motor slip footrests touched the asphalt. In the new Blade, the footrests are designed as flexible as in motor sport. In addition, the rear lights are also new model combined with a functional rear grip.

When tested on the track that is designed to sense the handling and acceleration, performance did little more fierce than the previous model. In fact, the engine is still the same as the previous model of 110 cc, SOHC 4 No. Only the heart of the new runway has been enhanced by technology HIVC (Honda's Variable Ignition Control Technology). The surplus, the ignition process more efficient, more powerful tug and claimed to keep fuel-efficient.

For acceleration, the engine power as there is a little pause when the throttle dibetot from scratch. But, when engine speed is above 1700 rpm, it takes force immediately was immediately obtained.

Overall, the look pretty good New Honda Blade. Unfortunately, the model of "kick-starter" no different from the old and the ducks are not coated with rubber. One more, hand mirrors, should be more sporty, so that the complete perfection of the display of sports.

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