2011 Yamaha Cup Championship Series Race Held Bandung Night

Yamaha Cup Race (YCR) 2011 will write a new history by holding a race night for the first time.

Tomorrow,Saturday (24/9/2011),YCR 2011 series Bandung Gasibu in the circuit court held a non-permanent would like MotoGP Qatar held the evening.
This area will be transformed into a circuit along the 950 meters.Like the race night lighting facilities would be vital. Yamaha preparing mercury spotlights 2 x 1000 watts at 40 points. There are 35 point lights mounted on the circuit that is spread most widely in the starting line and twists. Two lights were positioned in the paddock and the booth three lamps.

"Race nights can be done not only overseas but also in Indonesia. This embodies Yamaha to provide different sensations and experiences for local competition for riders to Indonesia, "said Ari Wibisono, Motorsport Manager Yamaha Motor Indonesia.

YCR Bandung schedule ranging from training, qualifying and the race was held in one day. Practice and qualifying was held from morning until noon, followed the race starting at 3 pm to 10 pm.

YCR series Bandung is the third series of Java after the YCR region implemented in Kediri and Navan. Hokky Krisdianto MP1 topped the standings with 69 points total. Followed Deny Triyugo disputing 8 points and Anggi Permana Putra that packaged 56 points.
In class Hokky MP2 is ranked second with a value of 58,left behind eight points behind Sigit.

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