Motorcycles Yamaha Lexam Interest In Indonesia Start

Yamaha Lexam is conceptualized as an auto-ranging ducks in demand by consumers two-wheeler in the country.
Automatic duck model in Indonesia has not been much demand compared with a conventional motorcycle or scooter.

According catata Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia (YMKI) in sales ternayata Agutus Lexam can penetrate padahala 935 units in July, only 60 units.

"With the increasingly high automotive market, Yamaha also always provide the best option for consumers. Lexam is the answer for dynamic young professionals who need practicality and driving, "said Indra Dwi Sunda, Corporate PR & Communication Head YMKI.
Lexam type 4 stroke engine, 2 valve SOHC air-cooled. Maximum power of 8.82 hp at 8000 rpm and maximum torque of 8.74 Nm at 7000 rpm. Price on the road Jakarta Lexam is Rp 16.4 million.

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