Unique John Petsche Speeding Motorcycle Fueled with Cooking Oil

John Petsche carve a new record for speed in the earth using a modified motorcycle fuel vegetable oil (cooking).
On the track owned by Loring Timing Association (LTA) in Maine,New England,USA,John motorcycles sped up to 56.535 miles / hour or 90.9 km/ hr.This record was recorded in class Motorcycles 350cc Fuel Alternatives.

6 hp bike-powered and diesel-vegetable oil-filled. John mounts only 1-speed transmission with centrifugal clutch, the speed limit. However, John will upgrade the record-breaking bike for next year.
"I built this bike to demonstrate the potential of biodiesel technology. This bike is a marriage of components that have a generator,go-kart,and wrecked automobiles, "he explained.

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