Selection of the Best in Sumatra Lady Mio

Alpha Scorpii, as the main dealer in the region of Sumatra Yamaha plans to hold elections best of the best special Lady Mio area of ​​Medan, Pekanbaru and Aceh. This plan was inspired by the successful implementation of the event Mio Suka Suka in Medan,30 September to 2 October.
Selection Lady Mio Mio Suka Suka at the event which took place in Medan last week's flooding enthusiasts. A total of 300 young women to register and then filtered into 10 finalists Lady Mio. Around 10 thousand visitors crowded the Lady mio selection event which took place in Medan Square Plaza parking lot.

Enthusiasm moves the Alpha Scorpii Lady Mio to hold elections for the area of ​​Medan, Pekanbaru and Aceh. Those entitled to follow it are the three top ranking of the three areas that previously had been elected during the elections for the event Mio Mio Lady Suka Suka.

"His name is best of the best Lady Mio. Given the magnitude of interest in a young woman who wants to show his talent and also the positive public response, we will hold a special election is Lady Mio, "said Taufik Hidayat, Promotion Alpha Scorpii.

Implementation of Suka Suka Mio event itself took place in Medan successful, although tinged heavy rains and flooding at some point through which the city touring with Lady Mio. Touring this city even more exciting because it provides a new experience while touring in the rain.

Meanwhile, carpet event Mio Suka Suka at Tamani Square, Jakarta, which took place simultaneously with the field, also enlivened visitors. Putri Indonesia 2010 Inda Endaliani intelligence that adds excitement to MC the event. Inda also inspired the 10 finalists Lady Mio in Jakarta with his experience level Putri Indonesia following the event.

Queen Amelia was selected as the Lady Mio in Jakarta set aside nine other finalists. Band gigs add a festive event Ran Mio Suka Suka in Jakarta.

Mio Suka Suka also filled street entertainment event. Combi Van Club Mio Suka Suka and OBVan Radio accompany around. Street entertainment venues visited youth hangouts, favorite school and campus, downtown, cafes and hypersquare and food court, with the goal of families and young children.

At the center location of the event itself Mio Suka Suka who are at the point the crowd, made different with a giant balloon placed Mio Suka Suka a length of 30 meters and a diameter of 12 meters.
Another activity that characterizes the event Mio Suka Suka presented to entertain visitors, including games,test ride,safety riding by 10 finalists Lady Mio, the appearance of national bands,acoustic & live DJ performances, model & dance performances and exhibition booth ladies.

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