JAKARTA - Despite the sluggish auto market was toward the end of this year due to the impact of the Japanese earthquake and flood Thailand, next year it is predicted to be jumped. So is the motorcycle market. Indonesian Motorcycle Industry Association (AISI) projects, motor vehicle industry will grow 10% -15% in 2012.
Data Indonesian Motorcycle Industry Association (AISI) showed, throughout the year 2011 national motorcycle sales reached 7,580,104 units. The amount is up about 10% compared to sales in the same period in 2010 and which only amounted to 6,881,893.
Although there are fears of widespread economic slowdown, Chairman of the Indonesian Motorcycle Industry Association (AISI), Gunadi Sindhuwinata express, it will not fix the negative projections amid rising economic growth in Indonesia. "The growth of motor vehicles can be doubled rather than economic growth, at least 10% -15% of both the motor and the car," he said.
Indonesia's economic growth is sometimes affected by the global economic crisis. However, motor vehicle market in Indonesia about 80% supported the domestic market. Thus, the global economic slowdown will not have impact on the automobile industry.
Conditions experienced during the flood Thailand is joined disrupt the supply of components and cars intact (completely built-up / CBU) in the domestic market. However, he admitted, could not predict conditions in Thailand in the coming year due to natural disasters are not predictable. "For sure we are developing markets because there is a need," said Gunadi, who also served as Commissioner of PT Indomobil Sukses International Tbk.
If the effect of Thailand's floods continue until next year, then, he explained, would rely on just-in-time supply or transfer sources of supply. That is, the composition of exports should be formulated so that the impact can be insurmountable.
Special International Tbk PT Indomobil Success, he says, will continue to see growth of 10% -15% will be achieved. It can be used a few dominant players to develop greater the motor vehicle market. New products like the Nissan Juke can take advantage of that opportunity because the picture is pretty good growth.
Data Indonesian Motorcycle Industry Association (AISI) showed, throughout the year 2011 national motorcycle sales reached 7,580,104 units. The amount is up about 10% compared to sales in the same period in 2010 and which only amounted to 6,881,893.
Although there are fears of widespread economic slowdown, Chairman of the Indonesian Motorcycle Industry Association (AISI), Gunadi Sindhuwinata express, it will not fix the negative projections amid rising economic growth in Indonesia. "The growth of motor vehicles can be doubled rather than economic growth, at least 10% -15% of both the motor and the car," he said.
Indonesia's economic growth is sometimes affected by the global economic crisis. However, motor vehicle market in Indonesia about 80% supported the domestic market. Thus, the global economic slowdown will not have impact on the automobile industry.
Conditions experienced during the flood Thailand is joined disrupt the supply of components and cars intact (completely built-up / CBU) in the domestic market. However, he admitted, could not predict conditions in Thailand in the coming year due to natural disasters are not predictable. "For sure we are developing markets because there is a need," said Gunadi, who also served as Commissioner of PT Indomobil Sukses International Tbk.
If the effect of Thailand's floods continue until next year, then, he explained, would rely on just-in-time supply or transfer sources of supply. That is, the composition of exports should be formulated so that the impact can be insurmountable.
Special International Tbk PT Indomobil Success, he says, will continue to see growth of 10% -15% will be achieved. It can be used a few dominant players to develop greater the motor vehicle market. New products like the Nissan Juke can take advantage of that opportunity because the picture is pretty good growth.
Economy continued to grow this year is enough to push the motorcycle market in the country continues to grow. Thai floods that could disrupt the supply of components, does not affect much to the sale of motorcycles during the year 2011.
Data Indonesian Motorcycle Industry Association (AISI) showed, throughout the year 2011 national motorcycle sales reached 7,580,104 units. The amount is up about 10% compared to sales in the same period in 2010 and which only amounted to 6,881,893. "There's increasing effect on local people's purchasing power and lower interest rates," said Sigit Kumala, Head of Commercial AISI.
From these sales, PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) still leads the national motor sales which amounted to 52.69%. Following then the third is PT Yamaha Motor Kencana (YMKI) of 39.76%. Sigit said, with this growth, the target of the national total motorcycle sales during the year 2011 at 8.1 million units will be achieved.
Indeed, the sole agent (ATPM) motor was worried, because the supply of components and completely intact motor build up (CBU) Thailand disrupted because of floods. "The disorder had turned out to inhibit the sale of products directly to consumers," said Sigit.
Based on the record AISI, nationwide motorcycle sales for November 2011 was down about 10% from October. Motorcycle sales in November to only 643,271 units, while in October reached 717,515 units. Sales decline was experienced by almost all members of the AISI numbering six ATPM.
Although motorcycle sales fell in November compared to October, after all the car manufacturers are optimistic. Moreover, the cause is due to flooding in Thailand. Dwi Indra Buana, PR & Corporate Communication Head YMKI sure, the disaster is temporary and will not affect the long term.
For YMKI own motor, about 50% of the 3,014,070 unit sales during January-November 2011 are of this type of automatic bike. 30% of the sale of duck type four-stroke motors, while the remainder, or about 20% is the sale of the type of motor sport.
He said that in 2012 it still continues to explore the potential of niche markets in Java and Bali. Because the demand for the two regions are still very large. YMKI next year will also be lots of spending a lot of new products to compete.
Kelvin Widiarto, Head Marketing and Product Planning PT Indomobil Suzuki Sales (SIS) said, because of flooding in Thailand, SIS has revised down its sales in 2011. Earlier this year's SIS is targeting sales 550,000 units, and revised to only 500,000 units. Sales of motor SIS 454 202 units last year. KTO
Motor Sales 2011
Number of Months
November 643 271 units
717 515 units in October
7,580,104 units from January to October
Target of 8.1 million units in 2011
Lord of Motor Market
PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) 52.69%
PT Yamaha Motor Kencana (YMKI) 39.76%
Other players 7:55%
The growth of motor vehicles could double the economic growth, 10-15%
Data Indonesian Motorcycle Industry Association (AISI) showed, throughout the year 2011 national motorcycle sales reached 7,580,104 units. The amount is up about 10% compared to sales in the same period in 2010 and which only amounted to 6,881,893. "There's increasing effect on local people's purchasing power and lower interest rates," said Sigit Kumala, Head of Commercial AISI.
From these sales, PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) still leads the national motor sales which amounted to 52.69%. Following then the third is PT Yamaha Motor Kencana (YMKI) of 39.76%. Sigit said, with this growth, the target of the national total motorcycle sales during the year 2011 at 8.1 million units will be achieved.
Indeed, the sole agent (ATPM) motor was worried, because the supply of components and completely intact motor build up (CBU) Thailand disrupted because of floods. "The disorder had turned out to inhibit the sale of products directly to consumers," said Sigit.
Based on the record AISI, nationwide motorcycle sales for November 2011 was down about 10% from October. Motorcycle sales in November to only 643,271 units, while in October reached 717,515 units. Sales decline was experienced by almost all members of the AISI numbering six ATPM.
Although motorcycle sales fell in November compared to October, after all the car manufacturers are optimistic. Moreover, the cause is due to flooding in Thailand. Dwi Indra Buana, PR & Corporate Communication Head YMKI sure, the disaster is temporary and will not affect the long term.
For YMKI own motor, about 50% of the 3,014,070 unit sales during January-November 2011 are of this type of automatic bike. 30% of the sale of duck type four-stroke motors, while the remainder, or about 20% is the sale of the type of motor sport.
He said that in 2012 it still continues to explore the potential of niche markets in Java and Bali. Because the demand for the two regions are still very large. YMKI next year will also be lots of spending a lot of new products to compete.
Kelvin Widiarto, Head Marketing and Product Planning PT Indomobil Suzuki Sales (SIS) said, because of flooding in Thailand, SIS has revised down its sales in 2011. Earlier this year's SIS is targeting sales 550,000 units, and revised to only 500,000 units. Sales of motor SIS 454 202 units last year. KTO
Motor Sales 2011
Number of Months
November 643 271 units
717 515 units in October
7,580,104 units from January to October
Target of 8.1 million units in 2011
Lord of Motor Market
PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) 52.69%
PT Yamaha Motor Kencana (YMKI) 39.76%
Other players 7:55%
The growth of motor vehicles could double the economic growth, 10-15%
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