Test KTM 690 Duke Motorcycle

The current Duke KTM is a motorcycle that I had imagined as the Vun, but which is run more like an old Super Moto.
Unfortunately, the KTM has a single cylinder engine, but luckily he is quieter, so you can not bear to be chugging a whole and with its electronically controlled throttle valve is also operated as a thousand times that of the Vun. Nevertheless it will be a big day for light motorcycles, when one cylinder can be finally replaced by electric drives with range. Yes, I'm stoned, its single-cylinder fans, you know full well that I am right. The singles can then hintuckern emergency generators in front of you where they need no tape at constant speed, and where I sit on is not particularly need.
On the KTM is quite fond of it, however. The OESIS it have on it somehow, to build good ergonomics. To ride the bike halfway, can be mounted with the step in the steering head, lying supports the arm and pulls the rear weiiit somewhere behind her. Everything else feels kind of weird, misplaced. The ability to control it needs also because they, whenever they ventured a little tilt to slide begins. The chassis has no grip on Rumbummeln, despite Ohlins suspension specialist at the site. If you harder to handle it, it works at some point, everything is oversized almost, but as normal consumers can I find it hard to "go brutal" in the area to come, without a "go bissi oblique" in advance to get scared of falling, or or skip to somehow magically area. On the test track, the KTM was of course the fastest.

And I think the most beautiful. It polarizes space bug with its design, and I understand everyone who needs them speibn, but I like it. I like the angular lines everywhere, the muscular neck, the converging edges. If living on the planet Vega anorexic, but carnivorous goats with exoskeleton and Dunlop tires, they look like the new Duke.

She is to go hochhackig and there are more comfortable for both rider and passenger motorcycles everywhere, but you drive like the Duke, even if you do that every day. Jedentagfahrer rejoice also determines how well the thing is beschraubbar. With a screw dissolve the tank, which you can then exchange of quick fasteners and abklippen. A tank exchange is faster here than even fill up if someone searches degree of endurance racer.

KTM 690 Duke model 2009/2010
Is: a carnivore with a goat from the planet Vega exoskeleton and Dunlop tires
Kos tet: 8995 €
Performance tet: min 65 hp (48 kW) at 7,500 U /
Braces: 67 Nm at 5,500 r / min from 654 cc
Weighs: 163 kg fully-ge-fueling
Refuels: 13.5 liters of premium
Ver-brainer: less than 5 liters per 100 km
Has almost nothing. This makes them so good.

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