Kawasaki "recall" Ninja ZX-10R 2008-2011 alerts and Ninja ZX-6R 2009-2012 output totaled 20 512 units, as published by Motorcycle.com yesterday (27/2). Withdrawals made according to a report from the Institute for Highway Safety (NHTSA) because the regulator on the motor unit is not able to charge the battery.
Cause, due to a lack of cohesion or attractive forces are not exactly on the components inside the regulator. Thus, the current out of control and cause overheating (overheating). As a result, the battery is fully charged and the engine may die suddenly.
Cause, due to a lack of cohesion or attractive forces are not exactly on the components inside the regulator. Thus, the current out of control and cause overheating (overheating). As a result, the battery is fully charged and the engine may die suddenly.
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